By using Net Consulting’s BlueArmour Advanced Threat Detection (ATD) service, Capital Law is able to achieve a level of visibility unknown to all but the largest security teams.

Capital Law keep their in-house IT team small on purpose. They prefer to lean on experts when looking for support on issues that go beyond the day-to-day. By using Net Consulting’s BlueArmour Advanced Threat Detection (ATD) service, Capital Law is able to achieve a level of visibility unknown to all but the largest security teams.
Capital Law wanted someone to watch the watchers. They had invested heavily in securing their perimeter and wanted to validate the work that had already been done. Additionally, they wanted to gain a complete view of employee behaviour within the company. In short, they wanted complete visibility of anything happening on their network, internally and externally.
BlueArmour ATD gives Capital Law tailored insight into employee behaviours, resulting in prioritised weekly executive reports that can be delivered directly to board members without the need to translate. It gives the IT and HR teams at Capital Law the confidence they need to stop anything suspicious before it causes damage to the company.
If anything out-of-the-ordinary ever occurs, the IT Director gets notified immediately by Net Consulting’s cyber experts. The AI technology running this service doesn’t sleep, and it’s always learning. Coupled with a human managed service, it is an incredibly effective, cost-effective solution.
Traditional network security products are limited to protecting against known threats. BlueArmour ATD mitigates this weakness by monitoring behavioural patterns to identify unknown threats.
Over time, BlueArmour ATD learns to detect potential vulnerabilities and system misconfigurations, allowing the network continually to become more secure.
The service is designed to identify indications of vulnerability, compromise, or system abuse, and present this information in a way that’s simple to understand. Working alongside traditional security products, BlueArmour ATD protects against a whole new breed of threats.
“Unless you’re prepared to run a 24/7 security operation in-house, headed up by a team of seriously skilled people, you’re never going to match what BlueArmour ATD offers.”
Capital Law LLP